and Headless CMS Development

Headless CMS Development by Happy Cog is a powerful solution that has helped propel our team to leaders in the industry. Our team boasts experts across the board in developing state-of-the-art digital experiences using Headless CMSes.

What is a Headless CMS?

Short for “Headless Content Management System”, a Headless CMS is a data repository that is accessible across your team to publish and retrieve content. Rather than being linked to one website or application, it acts as an abstracted place where your content lives and gets organized. It’s able to serve needs all across a company’s digital presence, such as marketing materials, product feeds, social media, or custom mobile applications.

Because of the versatility and scalability that naturally comes with this setup, Headless CMSes power applications of all sizes without the added overhead and brittleness that typically plagues one-size-fits-all solutions.

Why Choose Headless CMS Development by Happy Cog

Happy Cog has extensive experience building custom applications that leverage all of the numerous upsides that modern Headless CMSes offer. We are Proud Partners of Contentful and have used it in many projects, in addition to other natively Headless CMSes such as Sanity. Additionally, we have done countless implementations of CMSes that offer a Headless mode, such as Craft, WordPress (and WordPress VIP), and Drupal.

Headless CMS Benefits

Our developers work with added velocity due to the ease of use that a Headless CMS provides, because of the separation of concerns it offers. Happy Cog can build your application custom-tailored to your use case, utilizing front-end JavaScript frameworks like React, Next.js, Gatsby, Vue, Nuxt, Angular, and more to achieve lightning-fast performance for your users.

Simple API integrations make sure that working with your content is the straightforward part of building your product. The CMS is only responsible for exposing that data in a secure and reliable API; the separation of concerns between application and data leads to more confidence and security in both.

Multiple Channel Content Management

Traditional CMSes struggled with delivering your content to multiple channels without requiring duplicate work. A Headless CMS can deliver to all different vectors of your audience, without sacrificing the specialization that can take a specific channel to the next level. Share content between channels that want to; deliver specialized content to channels that need to.

Live Preview

Live Preview is instrumental in the fast-moving content management world. With many Headless CMSes that we offer, end users have access to edit-sharing and preview URLs that make collaborative workflows a breeze. Happy Cog can also extend the power of the editing dashboard with custom functionality, a feature that can be fraught with obstacles when dealing with a Traditional CMS.
