March 18, 2021

Stop the Hate

Together at Happy Cog, we stand with our AAPI team members and communities and take action to #StopAsianHate.

The violent attacks towards the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities is devastating and deeply concerning. Together at Happy Cog, we stand with our AAPI team members and communities and take action to #StopAsianHate. We are sharing this statement publicly in order to continue to condemn racism and violence in all forms, and work toward respect and inclusion for all. To Happy Cog employees, March 18, 2021:

Hi all, We are shocked and appalled that we have to write another email on this topic, but unfortunately, the murders in Atlanta have reminded us that there’s still a long way to go in the fight against bigotry. And it’s not just Atlanta. Here in NYC, attacks on Asian-Americans have been on the rise. We reiterate what we said before: Happy Cog stands against racism, against hate, and against injustice. Happy Cog stands for diversity, inclusion, compassion, and equality. As a company we have people of every color, religion, and sexual orientation. That’s invaluable because it helps us bring diverse voices and viewpoints to our work. We will be making a donation to the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, which is a national organization that “protects and promotes the civil rights of Asian Americans.” This alone isn’t enough. Last year we committed to investing additional time and resources into ensuring HC is a more diverse team, and plan to share where progress has been made on this. Additionally, please reach out to me or any partner directly if you have thoughts or ideas. We look forward to the day that we don’t have to write emails like this. Until then, we all have more work to do. -Matt, Lee, Stuart, and Ben