and eMoney Advisor


New identity takes the edge off personal financial planning

eMoney is a dynamic presence in finance, striving to change how people manage their money. More than just a financial planning software provider, eMoney offers comprehensive tools for advisors, planners, registered investment advisors (RIAs), and anyone interested in financial security.

Despite eMoney’s position as a leader in the finance industry, its website did not mirror its innovative spirit. The site was not user-friendly and failed to showcase its extensive product suite. Additionally, it was hard for the site’s administrators to use and didn’t support the flexibility the content team wanted. This gap led eMoney to partner with Happy Cog, seeking a complete rebranding, a website redesign, and an enterprise-class WordPress build with improved functionality and a “human touch.”


Strategy, UX, Engineering, Design, Analytics, and Development: Visual identity extension, Website redesign, Front-end development, CMS: Craft, GA4, SEO




eMoney's pressing need to modernize its brand and enhance user experience

eMoney’s initial challenge was refreshing its brand image to reflect its technological advancements while preserving its core values and adding a more human touch. The goal was to revamp the brand to communicate its full value and resonate with a more diverse audience—from individuals in everyday households to those with substantial financial portfolios.

Since 2012, Happy Cog has partnered with Yoga International to transform and adapt its brand to the digital world. First, with its transition from print to online, and second, through the creation of their mobile app for iOS and Android. As a leading resource within the Yoga Community, Yoga already had a significant user base even prior to COVID-19. After the pandemic began and more people were spending time at home, Yoga’s online user base spiked even further.

Ultimately, at eMoney we're trying to expand how to do [the mission and vision] for more people. Not just those who are in the ultra-high net worth, but all the way down to the 88 million households that want and need financial advice.
Rachel Eccles, Head of Marketing, Emoney

Additionally, eMoney’s existing website did not showcase its expanding spectrum of offerings. The company needed a coherent, visually appealing, comprehensive, and informative way to organize and display its products.

The user experience on eMoney’s website was another key area of concern. Previously, the site’s structure made it difficult for users to access vital information, often hidden within downloadable PDFs and unstructured pages. eMoney wanted to overhaul this experience and transform the website into an intuitive platform.

Internal site users – the marketing team, content team, and other site administrators – were also running into limits. It was far too difficult and slow to publish content and make changes, the CMS didn’t support the customization the team needed, and content wasn’t easily relatable and surfaceable.

Finally, conversion rates and user engagement were concerning. The website’s design did not support effective conversion strategies, making it challenging for users to understand their next steps and move through the sales funnel with ease.


eMoney partnered with Happy Cog to humanize its branding and make its design more user-friendly

Happy Cog tackled eMoney’s branding challenges by first conducting thorough qualitative research with eMoney stakeholders. These insights helped Happy Cog understand eMoney’s ultimate goals, develop user-centric wireframing, and create a rebrand strategy that resonated with the company’s mission and audience.

To make eMoney more relatable to its audience, Happy Cog created a more humanized and approachable design. This included updating the brand colors to align with current trends in financial institutions and using photographs of eMoney’s real team members instead of impersonal stock images.

In response to the need for a coherent display of eMoney’s expanding product portfolio, Happy Cog redesigned eMoney’s website using WordPress, Twig, and Tailwind. The team created custom modules and a modular setup for seamless stacking, enabling a flexible and dynamic presentation of eMoney’s products. This included a significant overhaul of the site structure, transforming PDF-based content into interactive landing pages and integrating product comparison tables. The redesign made it easier for users to understand eMoney’s offerings, whether B2B or B2C, and showcased the products in a user-friendly, comprehensive manner.

To improve the website’s overall usability, Happy Cog focused on technical enhancements. The team tackled the challenge of the extensive resource library by establishing custom post types with detailed templates, allowing for a unified, easily searchable repository. Happy Cog also ensured design flexibility and code friendliness by providing easy-to-use global and admin-level CSS overrides for the eMoney team, controllable directly from the WordPress backend and without any technical knowledge required. This groundwork helped combine functional robustness and the brand-new, modern design.

Addressing the issue of low conversion rates and user engagement, Happy Cog implemented design strategies that made navigation intuitive and conversion-focused. The team made the navigation sticky and brought more call-to-actions (CTAs) to the forefront of the site, allowing users to engage and take action at any point in their journey. This approach, coupled with the strategic placement of product demo videos, real screenshots, and highlighted features, now guides users smoothly through the sales funnel.

In solving these challenges, Happy Cog revitalized eMoney’s digital presence and aligned it with the company’s evolving identity and business objectives.


Elevated financial market impact and improved user experience

Following Happy Cog’s comprehensive redesign and rebranding efforts, eMoney saw several positive outcomes:

  • Enhanced brand perception and user engagement. The new human-centric brand image resonates with a more varied audience, leading to increased user engagement and a more positive brand perception.
  • Improved product visibility and understanding. The redesigned website clarified product offerings through interactive elements and comparison tables, resulting in better user comprehension and navigation.
  • Increased accessibility to resources. Technical enhancements, particularly in the resource library, improved content accessibility.
  • Boost in user interaction. Optimized conversion strategies, including sticky navigation and prominent CTAs, led to enhanced user interaction.
  • Streamlined CMS experience. Modern CMS techniques, such as content modules, help the eMoney team publish with the speed and variety they need.
  • Collaborative success. The partnership between Happy Cog and eMoney, marked by teamwork and shared contributions, led to high client satisfaction and a successful project.

With its new design, eMoney is poised to attract a broader customer base, leveraging its user-friendly interface and clearer product presentation to enhance customer experience and foster stronger client relationships. This new platform sets the stage for eMoney’s continued growth and innovation in the financial sector.