and McGraw-Hill Education

work McGraw-Hill Education

Educational publisher responsive website redesign

McGraw-Hill Education understands the benefit of staying ahead of the learning curve. A cornerstone of their strategy is the “Connect” product, a digital teaching and learning environment that saves students and instructors time while improving performance. Happy Cog worked with McGraw-Hill’s Connect product team and product subscribers to define a fresh-faced, responsive, user-centered experience that clearly answers the question, “What is Connect?”


Design, Development, and UX


Education and Publishing

The site’s navigation and structure confused users, and content did not speak effectively to primary audiences. Over-use of video, intended as an interactive element, actually reduced the effectiveness of the messaging. Video “hid” content and users couldn’t find the answers they needed.

Our redesign reflects a “show-don't-tell” user experience. Relying on info-graphics and interactive elements, visuals reinforce the strengths of the product and provide users with key insights, further enhanced with customer testimonials.